National Fitness Day 2014

national-fitness-day-logo26th September was National Fitness Day and it is annually the largest celebration of physical activity in the UK. Hundreds of clubs, parks and leisure centres across the country ran a number of free fitness events with the aim of creating a fun and positive environment where people can exercise together. For National Fitness Day this year FGH organised its own event which we advertised across our social media pages (if you’d like to ‘like’ us click here or if you’d like to tweet us click here).

The event consisted of briskly moving up to the historic Lancaster Williamson’s Park up a very steep hill, two separate exercise circuits, a tug of war tournament and wheelbarrow races

Peter Harrison (company Managing Director) said, “Keeping fit is important for all our senior staff; it helps lower sickness, improves morale and keeps ups sharp. The saying ‘Healthy Body Healthy Mind’ really rings true in the FGH office, with many of the team having sporting backgrounds to a high level.”

As a company FGH prides itself on actively supporting and sponsoring a number of our staff on an individual basis in their sporting endeavours and we also field teams in leagues and one off events throughout the region. In recent years this has included several rugby team, a football team, running team and even a climbing team.



Meet the team...

The support team is passionate about ensuring our people have all the tools they need to get their jobs done to a high level and keep people safe. Our training never stops, and we all take part in ongoing executive education which is themed around Leadership, Lean, Mindfulness and Teamwork.

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