9. Find new ways of giving back to society

Movember raises both awareness and funds for a range of causes that effect men’s health including; prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health and suicide prevention. The figures concerning men’s health are quite staggering. The state of men’s health is in crisis. Men experience worse longer-term health than women and die on average six years earlier. Prostate cancer rates will double in the next 15 years. Testicular cancer rates have already doubled in the last 50. Three quarters of suicides are men. Poor mental health leads to half a million men taking their own life every year. That’s one every minute.

We have taken part in Movember since 2012 and have raised over ten thousand pounds in the process. We’re proud to say that this year was no exception.

FGH Team

Each year we offer prizes to the individuals from across the organisation who raise the most funds through their own efforts. 2016’s winners are:

Security Guarding: Jeff Needham


Event Security: Ian Kane



Door Supervision: Ross Andrews


Congratulations to Jeff, Ian and Ross who have won a luxury shaving pack and one years’ supply of Gillette Fusion razors each.

Movember Climb

Movember isn’t just about growing facial hair; we also encourage the team to take part in exercise and challenges through the month to raise funds and awareness. The annual FGH Movember Climb has become an institution and this year we chose to climb Cross Fell. Cross Fell is the highest mountain in the Pennine Hills and the highest point in England outside the Lake District. Several members of the FGH team from right across the company made it to the top of the mountain after navigating two sharp ascents and snow fields. Well done to everyone who took part and showed great teamwork.

Peter Harrison, Managing Director, said, “Movember means an awful lot to me personally and this is even more so after losing loved ones to prostate cancers recently. Crossing the £10,000 mark after five years of moustache growing is fantastic and it feels great to know our work in looking after people reaches a lot further than just the security aspect. The people from the team who took part should be proud of their selfless efforts. Well done team!”

Wesley Downham, Business Director commented “The money we have raised is great, and we would like to thank all the growers, sponsors and climbers who took part. If we do nothing else, then we hope to raise awareness of these issues amongst our team and their friends and families. As always, we would like to throw down the gauntlet to other organisations to take part next year and join in this fantastic cause.”

If anyone still wishes to donate, wants further details on Movember, or simply wishes to just have a laugh at the teams variety of moustaches then please click here.


Meet the team...

The support team is passionate about ensuring our people have all the tools they need to get their jobs done to a high level and keep people safe. Our training never stops, and we all take part in ongoing executive education which is themed around Leadership, Lean, Mindfulness and Teamwork.

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