FGH Security’s Community Impact Team at Parklife

Last weekend FGH Security played a crucial role at the Parklife festival by deploying over 100 staff members as part of a Community Impact Team. The goal of the team was to minimise the social impact that the festival has on the residents in the area surrounding Heaton Park where the festival is held. The team had to work alongside a range of agencies (including the Greater Manchester Police, Bury, Rochdale and Manchester Councils and Environmental Health Officials) to provide responsive, structured and positive solutions to residents complains or issues. The Community Impact Team meant that residents had an open and productive line of communication with event organisers and it allowed for the FGH management staff to be a first point of contact and champion resolving any issues. Positive feedback directly to our staff was excellent during the event and feedback on social median channels has also been very positive.event-security-parklife-feedback

Peter Harrison said, “At Parklife we worked as a key player within the Community Impact Team and proved that the joined up approach of multi-agency deployments can really work.  Our crowd management deployments are generally delivered within a licensed premises or at least on private property; Parklife was quite a different detail for the team.  They adapted exceptionally well though, the team already have some solid foundations in customer service and we built on that by ensuring the whole deployment underwent specific training and briefings – some of which was delivered in partnership with other agency’s and stakeholders including GMP, Ideal Cleansing, SEP traffic management as well as departments from Bury, Rochdale and Manchester City councils. We also had daily debriefings with the event organisers and Greater Manchester Police which allowed us to get comprehensive updates on any issues and put in place responsive solutions when needed.”

“It was a great challenge and we had been involved in the planning process for several months.  The countless appreciation shown by the public has made it event more worthwhile for the team.  Letters, emails and messages via social media have been plentiful – both during and after the event.  I would like to pass out my thanks to all the FGH team and also the rest of the partners who all worked exceptionally well together in lowering the impact of this magnificent event.  As I say about all our quality customers, it was an absolute pleasure to be part of the delivery team and we look forward to next year.”


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