Our NSI Gold certification arrived at our Head Office last week and is testament to the continued work that we put in to ensure that our quality standards are consistently high.
Even though we have held the accreditation for a number of years we are still assessed on an annual basis against a very strict criteria. For the majority of our public sector security guarding clients this is usually a key supplier requirement but we know that it also serves as a reassurance to all our clients that we are constantly focusing on improving our service.
“Having NSI Gold really makes us stand out and according to our research our clients see it as an assurance and endorsement of the high quality work we do on the front line and behind the scenes,” said Peter Harrison. “Being assessed in detail also allows us to identify any areas we could do with working on more to bring our overall delivery standard up. We’re noticing more and more now that our competitors are attempting to copy our practices and even things like sections of our site so reviews like this have the added benefit of allowing us to maintain our position as a leader in the industry.”